If your SBA EIDL loan application was denied or you need additional funds from EIDL. You still have an opportunity to submit an explanation, provide updated information utilizing SBA & IRS forms. Request your application to be reviewed again. Money Man 4 Business offer Loan Packaging services have been very successful with the EIDL reconsideration.

SBA EIDL did not offer, approved or funded your business with enough capital less than the current $150,000 CAP for SBA EIDL loans.You may qualify for additional capital especially if you can prove intend of use of the funds for Hiring more US-based employees & investing into USA made inventory.
Resolution: Speak directly with Money Man 4 Business, Chief Financial Officer John (JJ) Guillory at 281.763.2294 ext. 0. John Guillory has over 32+ years’ experience working with Government insured &/or funded Loans.

When an applicant applies for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan, the economic injury is not substantiated based on the initial application. On the basis of information provided by you on your loan application, it has been determined that your economic injury cannot be substantiated.
Many applicants did not seek professional or experienced help completing the application & incorrect figures were used on the initial application.
Resolution: Money Man 4 Business can request your application to be reconsider for up to $2 million which is the current CAP amount for SBA EIDL loans. If your figures were reported incorrect. Money Man 4 Business will revise any portion of the application that may had been incorrectly report at the initial application.

If you had late payments in the past and might be caused by you are struggling with low cash flow, reduced business revenue because of the disaster or you made all payments on time but you are over leveraged because you have depend on your personal credit to support your business cash flow requirements.
Resolution: You can submit your current Experian Credit report to Money Man 4 Business. We will review the entire Credit report with you and develop narrative report to explain how problems & economically issues in the past has hurt your credit while you were building your business. In the past 10 years in the US Business Owners has been depending on personal credit & financing that has taken away from the business profit margins.We recommend you obtain a FREE current “Experian” consumer credit report from here. After you submit the Current Experian credit report. We will review in detail with you and help compose narrative report that we will submit on your business behalf for your application to be reconsidered for SBA EIDL loan. Link to IQ: https://www.identityiq.com/sc-securepreferred.aspx?offercode=4311491X

When the SBA did certain types of verification of various data of information regarding the Legal Entity. Certain Information could not be verified such as Business Banking Information, Your Federal EIN, Legal Entity Status, Taxes or other financial Information could not be verified.
Resolution: We have list of various items to use to verify Business Financial & Entity information. That information is submitted using IRS & SBA required Government forms. The process is manged by our SBA Specialist Team to ensure compliance and accuracy. The most consumed time currently is ordering the Business prior years Federal Tax return information. Files are getting funded. Patience and Accuracy is important, Money Man 4 Business has the knowledge.