EIDL Loan increase Request / EIDL Re-consideration program
The United States Small business administration is putting more effort into tripling the maximum amount that non-profit organizations and small businesses can borrow under this COVID-19 Economy Injury Disaster (EIDL) Program.
Starting from the first week of April 2021, i.e. from April 6, 2021, onwards, The Small Business Administration (SBA) is increasing the loan limit for the EIDL program from a maximum loan amount of $150,000 to up to a maximum loan amount of $500,000.
Many existing EIDL loans which are approved prior to the week of April 6, 2021 will be eligible for an increase according to the new maximum loan amount announced on March 24, 2021. So if you already have received your EIDL, there are possibilities that your loan amount can be increased.
So here, Money Man 4 Business’s Chief financial officer John Guillory has 29+ years of experience with govt ensured and govt funded loan program. Money Man 4 Business expertise that have helped business owners with over hundreds of thousands of business financial transactions since 2007. So, we are ready to take your application further for a loan increase if SBA EIDL did not offer, approved, or funded your business with enough capital for SBA EIDL loans. We can also help with a reconsideration on your EIDL Loan program from SBA if it is denied. So just call us at 888.882.2741 Ext. 0 today or Hit the Inquiry button below to submit an Inquiry form.
Related Programs
EIDL Loan Increase Application has Expired
Targeted EIDL Advance
The EIDL Program has a grant program, and it is designed to provide the coronavirus impacted business with fast funding of up to $10,000 to meet the immediate business needs. The SBA has started providing this grant money to small businesses right after congress approved fresh funding for the program. In the first round of EIDL grants back in March 2020, the funds were exhausted quickly, and many small businesses received only $1000/employee or nothing at all.
Early this year, back in February 2021, The SBA Announced its new Targeted EIDL advance program in which Small businesses applying for EIDL could get a $10,000 cash grant whether or not they received the EIDL loan approval.
We at Money Man 4 Business ready to take it forward towards every possibilities of success of your business in this hard time. As a Small Business we know how hard it can be these days. Not only you but also 3.7 million businesses out there who needs help with their financial needs and confused how to apply for EIDL or EIDL rejected!! What to do? Or Do not know how to apply for $10,000 grants? Or else received only few thousands which is insufficient to run the business. All questions can be answered here at Money Man 4 Business. Just call at 888.882.2741 Ext. 0 today or Hit the Inquiry button below to submit an Inquiry form.