How to get a Business Loan? Just contact Money Man 4 Business


Current Address:

363 North Sam Houston Parkway East
Suite 1100
Houston, Texas 77060

Former Address:

7100 Regency Square Blvd, Suite 247
Houston, TX 77036


Toll Free: 1-888-882-2741 Ext-0,
Local: 281-763-2294 Ext-801,
Phone: 917-722-8111
Phone 1: 832-532-8159
Phone 2: 713.906.3521
Text: 833-341-1183
Fax: 1-800-909-7219

Hours of Operation

Monday through Thursday: 10:30 AM to 7:30 PM, (Central Time Zone).
Lunch time: From 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
Friday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, (Central Time Zone).
Lunch time: From 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.

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If you are looking for money that will help you develop your business when funds from the government or banks are not available to you, you can take a look at the 40+ loan programs that Money Man 4 Business has to offer for getting your business financed. Just because your loan application did not fall through does not mean you cannot get financing for your business. All you need to do is treat any kind of financing for small business Houston TX as a normal bank loan and pay back in time so you can get more financing when you need it in the future.

Private sector finances: There are plenty of companies that can offer you financing for small business Houston TX and getting a loan from us is your best option because there is very little waiting time involved, and they can process your loan much quicker.

Equity funding:

Being able to negotiate with potential investors is a sign of a great businessman and you should try to identify such investors who might be able to invest in your small business and allow it to grow. Considering financing is the biggest problem for small businesses, you should not shy away from finding anyone who is willing to back your business. Money Man 4 Business is here to make it possible for your business to receive the required financing; instantly and with no hassle.


Crowdfunding became extremely relevant thanks to the growth of social media. Crowdfunding platforms allow you to share your aspirations and objectives with people all over the world. Individuals or groups who are willing to help and can donate any amount of money to help you achieve your financial targets are at your reach. We have a quick one stop solution for the business owners interested in taking fast Term Loans for their business.

You should consult one of our agents, if your loan applications to government banking institutions do not fall through for quicker processing and competitive interest rates. Crowd funding or equity funding may not be too reliable due to the amount of time taken, and if you have time constraints, you can always trust that we will be there to supply you with all your financial needs.

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